The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway stretches 24 miles from Metairie to Mandeville, Louisiana, and is one of the two longest continuous bridges in the world. The bridge, which opened in 1956, has undergone a series of upgrades capped off by a $100 million safety upgrade which was completed in the second half of 2020. The most recent upgrades added 12 shoulders for drivers to pull over to if they experience a breakdown as well as new rails on the southbound side of the bridge.
While the safety improvements have helped bridge safety, accidents do still happen.
Here is a list of the safety statistics from the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge from 2017 through 2023.
Here is the data in a non-image, table form:
Lake Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge Accident Statistics 2017-2023
Year | Annual Traffic | Breakdown Responses | Crashes | Rear Ends: Disabled Vehicles |
2017 | 12,294,008 | 3,373 | 184 | 62 |
2018 | 12,787,478 | 3,700 | 170 | 57 |
2019 | 12,855,066 | 3,622 | 134 | 38 |
2020 | 9,880,556 | 3,125 | 105 | 22 |
2021 | 11,431,508 | 3,152 | 102 | 24 |
2022 | 12,318,040 | 4,463 | 128 | 29 |
2023 | 12,244,926 | 4,064 | 134 | 26 |
Now that you have the data, here are ways to make your trip across the Causeway safer:
Avoid Distraction
Distracted driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents. Looking at a cell phone, making a call, or adjusting things in your car can distract you long enough for an accident to happen. As you can see from the statistics, disabled vehicles are a source of accidents and many of those happen because of distractions.
By avoiding distractions, you can be sure you will be able to quickly identify if a car is disabled ahead of you or if traffic is slowing down.
Keep a safe speed
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Speeding on the causeway is a recipe for disaster. The causeway is a two-lane bridge and most of the 12 million annual travelers keep a safe speed. However, tailgating and speeding greatly increase the chances of an accident. The last place you’d want an accident, the bridge is highly monitored by causeway police and drivers tend to show extra caution.
Avoid the Causeway if you have car problems
As you can see from the statistics, breakdowns are an increasing problem with breakdown responses increasing sharply in 2022 and 2023. Even with the added shoulders, the Causeway is not the place you want to break down. If you have an older car or have lingering car problems, avoid the Causeway.
Watch the weather
One of the biggest safety concerns on the causeway is inclement weather. The greater New Orleans area can quickly change; however, the Causeway Police quickly step in to help keep things safe. When fog is heavy, police take groups of cars across at around 45 miles per hour with no lane changes for safety.
Additionally, the causeway can close for heavy wind or fog. You can check the Causeway Commission website for alerts, closures, fog, or other maintenance alerts.
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<a href=”https://www.morrisbart.com/lake-pontchartrain-causeway-accident-statistics-2017-2023-faqs-facts-and-safety-tips/”><img style=”width:100%;” src=”https://www.morrisbart.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Lake-Ponchartrain-Causeway-Statistics2-768×622.png”></a><br>Lake Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge Accident Statistics<a href=”https://www.morrisbart.com/lake-pontchartrain-causeway-accident-statistics-2017-2023-faqs-facts-and-safety-tips/”>Lake Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge Accident Statistics </a>
How many cars cross the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge annually? More than 12 million vehicles have been vehicles on the Causeway every year for the past two years after 2 years of limited traffic due to the pandemic.
How much does it cost to cross Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge? As of April 2024, there is a $6 toll traveling north to south on the bridge, $3.40 with a toll tag. The bridge now accepts cash or credit/debit. More than 2 Axles or over 7’ costs extra.
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