According to The Statistics Portal, there are approximately 135,000 registered motorcycles in the state of Alabama. Most motorcyclists understand the inherent dangers of riding a bike and will respect the rules of the road, but people driving cars and other vehicles don’t always exercise as much caution around motorcyclists as they should. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that in 2012, there were more than 800 fatal motor vehicle crashes in Alabama, and 11 percent of those deaths were motorcyclists.
It’s no secret that most traffic accidents are preventable, but tragedies still happen. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident that was someone else’s fault, whether they were drinking, texting or simply not paying attention, don’t wait to contact an injury lawyer. Call Morris Bart at 1-800-537-8185 to speak with a qualified personal injury attorney in Mobile today.
Two Passenger Cars and a Motorcycle Involved in Hit-and-Run
According to WSFA, a hit-and-run accident involving a motorcyclist occurred late last week in Alabama and left one person with life-threatening injuries. According to the local police department, the crash involved two passenger cars, as well, one of which left the scene shortly after the accident occurred. The other car’s driver and the motorcyclist remained at the scene, waiting for rescuers to arrive.
There was a passenger on the back on the motorcycle who sustained life-threatening injuries. Responders airlifted the passenger to a local hospital. The local police department has put the case under further investigation.
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Single-Vehicle Crash Leaves One Dead
AL.com reports on a single-vehicle crash that occurred in Alabama earlier this week and left one man dead. According to Alabama State Troopers, a 58-year-old man was riding as passenger in a 2008 Chevrolet around 1:00 in the morning when the 32-year-old driver veered off the road, overturning the vehicle.
The passenger was not wearing his seatbelt, and responders announced him dead at the scene. Emergency personnel took the driver to a local hospital, where doctors treated him for minor injuries.
Overall Decline in Car Accidents, but Tragedies Still Occur
Nationally, Americans have seen a decline in the number of car accidents, as well as traffic fatalities overall. Statewide, that trend holds true, too. For example, from 2007-2008, Alabama residents saw a 13.2 percent drop in the number of people killed on state highways due to car accidents; however, despite these promising statistics, tragic car accidents still occur far too often.
There are hundreds of thousands of vehicle crashes every single year that don’t result in death, but the injuries can still be debilitating. Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones and other Bluetooth devices, distracted drivers are all over the road today. If you or someone you love has been injured in an auto accident that was someone else’s fault, don’t wait to speak with a personal injury lawyer.
Morris Bart has extensive experience in personal injury law. Call our offices at 1-800-537-8185 to arrange an initial consultation today.
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