Yes, a hit and run accident can be an at fault accident. However, it can be complicated. Some people choose to turn to auto accident attorneys to prove that the accident was not their fault. The issues arise when there is no other party to corroborate your story. Further, there was no driver to exchange insurance information with you and help you receive compensation for your potential injuries or damages.
Even so, there are ways to show that the accident was not your own doing. These are the typical methods that may otherwise prove a personal injury case with the exception that no other party is to be held responsible. These methods may include:
- Using eyewitness testimony to corroborate your version of events
- Having accident reconstruction experts recreate the accident
- Using medical documents (such as health records) to prove your injuries and when they happened
- Utilizing police reports
- Using video surveillance or photographic evidence gathered either before or after the accident took place
- And possibly more
Ain’t My Fault: Proving that Your Hit and Run Crash Was a Not at Fault Accident
There are many actions you should do at the scene of an accident. First, you should always contact law enforcement officials when you have been involved in any sort of auto accident, as they can use the scene of the accident to determine what truly happened.
This information will also increase your chances of being able to apprehend the perpetrator, so this series of events does not have to unfold without a party to be held responsible. Their absence is what makes this type of accident so difficult to prove in the first place.
It is best that you do not move your car after the accident either, so forensic evidence can be gathered at the scene, if necessary. Otherwise, key evidence, such as small fragments of paint chips, car parts, pieces of identification, and more, is lost or contaminated. If these pieces of evidence are lost, it will be a further setback in your quest for recovery.
At the very least, a police officer can help you legally document the damage to your car for further reference. With their training, they will be able to properly document any new damages to the body or interior of your vehicle.
After helping the police get on the scene and giving your statement, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible after the accident. In addition to taking care of any physical ailments you may be facing after the accident, this will serve as further documentation for your potential legal case. If you cannot seek damages from the party responsible, you will need this documentation to present to your insurance company.
While it may all seem unfair and unjust, there are plenty of people out there willing to help you prove your side of events, so you can get the compensation you deserve to move on with your life. Awards in cases like these can pay medical bills, repair damages to your vehicle, compensate for mental anguish, and more. After all, the last thing you need to worry about at a time like this is how you are going to make ends meet.
While the scars may heal, getting over a hit and run accident that is not an at fault case, can take time. Compensation for your accident can allow you to focus on the more important things in life while you recover from this unfortunate event.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-537-8185
Hit and Run Accident Attorneys
More times than not, hit and run drivers run away from the scene because they were scared of the consequences. As a result, it can be hard to hold them accountable for their actions unless they are apprehended. It would be one thing if they were just trying to save themselves, but they are further damaging their victim in the process.
Here at the Morris Bart law firm, our auto accident attorneys can help you prove your case so you get the compensation you rightfully deserve. We have worked with countless clients who have suffered injuries in hit and run accidents, so we have likely seen a case just like yours.
We will fight to protect your right to compensation and prove your case so you can move on with your life. To find out more about our services, call today at (800) 537-8185 for your free consultation.
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