Sometimes being rude isn’t just rude; it’s dangerous. Of course, we’re referring to rude drivers whose behavior results in motor vehicle accidents. These accidents can cause disruptions in the lives of others, not to mention undue expenses, serious injuries, or fatalities.
Most of the time, motor vehicle accidents are caused by simple negligence, mostly due to inattentive driving. But there are things that we see drivers doing on a daily basis that can easily result in an accident, and many of them occur because they fail to consider the consequences their actions have on other people.
How Rude Drivers Put Others in Danger
There are many driving behaviors that can significantly increase the risk of an accident. Many of them occur because of distractions, drinking and driving, or not fully focusing on the road ahead. They are either things we all know we should not do (but many do anyway) or something that could happen to any of us on a bad day.
Some behaviors, though, occur simply because the driver is being rude. They are in too big of a rush or too angry to consider the dangers they are causing themselves, their passengers, and others on the road to face. Some examples of how rude behavior can increase risks of an accident include:
The most obvious is probably tailgating. When you are following the vehicle in front of you too closely, it puts you and that driver at a great risk that you will not have enough time to stop when they stop, thereby resulting in a rear-end collision.
It is important to remember that you can’t always see everything that the driver ahead of you sees and that driver may need to apply his or her brakes for many possible reasons.
Maybe an animal or, worse, a child, has run out into the road. That driver is going to try to stop quickly, and if you have not left enough room between you and that driver, you are going to cause an accident. Not to mention, it is very nerve-racking to look in your rearview mirror and see another driver right on your rear end. It’s rude. It’s dangerous.
Lack of Courtesy
There is also the driver that refuses to let other drivers merge in front of them for no real reason, simply because they do not want to. The reason this behavior is not only rude but can be dangerous is because the nice driver that is trying to merge may not be expecting this rude driver to refuse to let them over.
While the nice driver certainly should be looking before they attempt to merge, they may not realize what the rude driver is attempting to do until it is too late. Whose fault is that accident? Unfortunately, probably the nice driver. They do have a responsibility to look and merge only when it is safe to do so.
But is that comfort enough after your vehicle is wrecked and you are hurt? It wasn’t technically your fault, but you could have avoided the whole situation by just being nice. Be courteous to other drivers and show a little patience on the roads, especially when you’re all stuck in a traffic jam or slow down together. Please don’t refuse to let people merge. It’s rude. It’s dangerous.
Acting Like the Only Driver on the Road
And finally, there is one of our favorites. The driver who wants to make a right turn from the left lane, or vice versa. Please, please do not stop in the middle of the street to let traffic go by so you can make your turn. Please continue down the street until you can make a U-turn and come back to the street you missed.
Stopping like this is illegal since it impedes the flow of traffic. It can cause other drivers to swerve into another lane, drive on the shoulder, or make other dangerous maneuvers that could also lead to collisions.
Consider which lane you need to be in before you need to turn. If you have to, take the time to make a U-turn and approach the turn from the other side of the road. Stopping in the middle of traffic creates a dangerous situation as well as a nuisance.
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Selfish and Rude Behavior Causes Injury Accidents
While we love our jobs as New Orleans accident injury lawyers because we love to help people, we would love it even more if fewer people were hurt on a regular basis. The bottom line is that selfish and rude behavior behind the wheel causes accidents, injuries, and even deaths.
You could change someone else’s life in the blink of an eye because you are in a hurry, overslept, or are mad at your boss at work. The next time you are having a bad day, please don’t be rude. It’s dangerous.
If you were hurt in a collision caused by a rude and negligent driver, you can file a claim or lawsuit and hold them legally responsible. A car accident attorney from our firm can help you with your case. While you focus on getting better, we can take care of the legal work.
Speak With an Attorney at Morris Bart, LLC if You Suffered Accident Injuries
If a careless or reckless driver caused your crash and injuries, the Morris Bart law firm will review your legal options with you for free today. Our attorneys provide confidential, complimentary consultations for collision victims in our service area. We have 15 offices in four states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.
Call (800) 537-8185 now to speak with a lawyer from the Morris Bart law office near you about your claim.
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