Letting your children walk to school is a great way to teach them responsibility. Before you let them commute alone, though, make sure they understand pedestrian safety etiquette.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4,735 pedestrians died in traffic accidents in the United States in 2013, and thousands more received treatment for non-fatal injuries. Children accounted for a disproportionately high number of these casualties, which is why all parents should take the time to teach their kids the basics of traffic safety.
If your children walk to school, these five tips will help them avoid accidents:
- Wear bright clothing;
- Walk in a group;
- Learn how to cross the street safely;
- Always use the sidewalk; and
- Avoid distractions.
If you or your child was injured by a distracted, impaired or otherwise negligent driver, contact Morris Bart & Associates, LLC. An accident lawyer in Mobile will evaluate your crash to determine if you have grounds for a claim. Call 800-537-8185 to schedule a free case evaluation.
Let’s take a closer look at five ways to prevent pedestrian accidents:
Wear Bright Clothing
Wearing bright clothing will make your child more visible to drivers. This is particularly important when walking at dusk or dawn. If your child walks home from school at night, make sure he or she has a flashlight or headlamp. Adding reflective tape to his or her clothing will further enhance visibility.
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Walk in a Group
As SaferCar.gov explains, walking in a group is another effective way to help drivers notice your child. The extra pairs of eyes may spot hazards that your child might not have seen when walking alone.
Learn How to Cross the Street Safely
Children aged 9 and younger should never cross the road without the assistance of an adult. Teach your older children to use designated crosswalks whenever possible.
If there is no crosswalk, then cross at an intersection or corner. Children should also know how to interpret crossing signals, and not to trust the signals without first looking left, right and left again before crossing.
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Always Use the Sidewalk
Instruct your children to walk on the sidewalk whenever one is available. Most busy pedestrian routes to and from schools have sidewalks.
Avoid Distractions
It is common knowledge that distracted driving is dangerous, but accidents can also happen when pedestrians are not paying attention. Instruct your child not to listen to music or use his or her cell phone while walking.
Unfortunately, even responsible children can fall victim to negligent drivers. If your child was injured in a pedestrian crash, contact Morris Bart & Associates, LLC. A Mobile injury attorney will help you pursue the maximum compensation for medical expenses and other damages.
We have been representing the injured for more than 30 years. Call 800-537-8185 to schedule a free case evaluation.
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