When it comes to driving on public roads, Americans know that they can follow all safety protocols and still wind up in an accident. The problem is, there’s no way of knowing if other drivers are following posted signs and obeying the speed limits.
Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, distracted driving is at an all-time high. Texting aside, drunk driving is still a major problem on roads across the country, especially during the holiday season.
If you or someone you love has been injured in an auto accident that was someone else’s fault, don’t wait to speak with a car accident lawyer in Mobile. At Morris Bart, we have extensive experience in auto accidents and personal injury law. Call us at 1-800-537-8185 to speak with a qualified personal injury attorney today.
Drunk Driving Fatalities Account for One Third of Total Traffic Deaths in Alabama
According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, drunk-driving fatalities accounted for 30 percent of total traffic deaths in Alabama in 2012. Police consider a person driving drunk if his or her blood alcohol content is 0.08 or higher, and the taxpayer subsidy of fatalities caused by drunk driving accidents accounts for $1.2 billion in the state of Alabama alone.
In 2011, Alabama became the last state to authorize an ignition interlock law; however, the state didn’t implement the law until three years later. Authorities did so by incentivizing the use of ignition interlock devices for all citizens who have been convicted of drunk driving.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-537-8185
DUI Convictions Vary by State
DUI convictions are not something to be proud of, and the consequences of a DUI vary by state. According to the Alabama Department of Public Safety, the first conviction for a DUI in the state will result in spending up to one year in municipal or county jail, a fine that ranges from $500 to $2,000, including a $100 fee for the Impaired Drivers Trust Fund, and a mandatory 90-day license suspension. First-time offenders must also attend DUI school.
If it’s a second conviction, offenders must spend 48 consecutive hours in jail, or up to one year but no less than 20 days. In addition to the $100 fee, there is also a fine that can range from $1,000 to $5,000.
The state will also revoke a second time offender’s license for one year. There is a direct relationship between the number of DUIs an offender gets and jail time, fines and the length of a license revocation that the court orders. Though many people learn from their mistakes the first time around, Alabama drivers cannot rest easy knowing people who have had DUIs in the past aren’t going to drive drunk again.
Call Us Today to Speak With an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Mobile
No matter how carefully you drive, you can never be sure that you’ll arrive at your destination safely. If you or someone you love has been injured in an auto accident that was someone else’s fault, we can help. Call us today at 1-800-537-8185 to speak with our drunk driving accident lawyers during a free consultation.
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