The two-part initiative kicks off at the start of the spring semester with a visit from Morris Bart and his team, as well as the animated Pelicans’ ‘Swoop Troop,’ dance team members and, the crowd favorite, Pierre the Pelican! The kids are given a backpack filled with goodies, which is encouraged to serve as a vessel that may transport educational materials to make achieving good grades that much more convenient.
Mr. Bart hosts an assembly to explain to the students how valuable it is to attain good grades, as it is a means to a bright scholastic and career oriented future. It is also promised, in this segment of the program, that the Pelicans will return to visit the students that receive “B’s or Better!” on their report cards to do a Junior Training Camp.
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Those students that qualify for the second part of Bart’s Flight School, after making the necessary grade requirements at the end of the 3rd Quarter, are invited back to have a fun afternoon with Pierre and the Swoop Troop. There, they will participate in lively basketball drills, take silly pictures in the photo booth, and much more.
They are also given an official Bart’s Flight School mini basketball with which to play or proudly display as a physical accolade of scholastic achievement.
Morris Bart and the Pelicans are proud to be hosting Bart’s Flight School for another year and are excited to report the annual growth of students who achieve the necessary grades to participate in the second leg of the program and hope this year to be no exception.
Both the Pelicans and Morris Bart share a mutual enthusiasm for New Orleans youth and hope this initiative continues to have a positive impact on the community.
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