I got into an auto accident on Hwy 90 in Biloxi. I was rear-ended at a stoplight and I am now suffering back and neck injuries. What should I do?
1. Call an Auto Accident Attorney at Morris Bart!
To ensure accident preparedness, always have the contact information for Morris Bart’s Biloxi office handy. We have investigators who can come meet you wherever you are located and start working for you immediately. Our investigators may even be able to come to the scene of the accident and assist you if you contact us in a timely manner.
Don’t speak with anyone about your injuries or accept any money from anyone for your injuries until you’ve spoken with one of our personal injury lawyers. We handle the claim from start to finish.
Our attorneys will call the insurance companies to set up the claim and help you navigate through the complicated process of dealing with the insurance companies.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-537-8185
2. If the Accident Just Occurred and You’re Still at the Scene, Call the Biloxi Police
Although police reports are not always 100% correct, they are helpful because they provide information for parties involved in the accident and other details that may be helpful later in proving your case.
While at the scene of the wreck, don’t feel pressured into admitting anything or apologizing, especially if you are not sure who caused the accident or what happened. Simply be honest and tell the officer what happened.
If you can, you should write down contact information for any witnesses and any information for the other driver, including the name, phone number, insurance information, tag number and any other available information.
3. Call an Ambulance
If necessary, let the responding officer or those on the scene know if you need an ambulance to transport you to the hospital. Seeking medical attention as soon as possible after the accident is the most important thing you can do for yourself and for your case.
Accident-related injuries that may seem minor at the time of the accident may later develop into more serious injuries if untreated. Consequently, even if you are feeling okay at the scene of the accident, it is always a good idea to go to the hospital and get checked out by a medical professional to be sure.
If the injuries/problems persist, follow up with another medical professional for a second opinion.
Questions?Call 800-537-8185
to find a Morris Bart office near you.