Learning to drive is an exciting yet daunting time in the lives of both parents and their teens. As a parent, you have the responsibility to teach your child important safety techniques that may save his or her life months or even years down the road. A few smart habits can make a huge difference when it comes to a student driver’s behavior behind the wheel.
At Morris Bart, we know that even the most cautious drivers can get in collisions. If you or your child sustained an injury in a crash that was not your fault, call us today at 1-800-537-8185 to schedule an appointment. A Lafayette personal injury lawyer can meet with you to discuss the claims process.
Here Are Five Important Tips to Teach Your Child While He or She Is Still Learning to Drive in Lafayette:
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As a Student Driver, You Must Always Wear a Seatbelt
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, car accidents are leading causes of fatalities and injuries in the United States. The seatbelt is the most important safety apparatus in your vehicle. Seatbelts can both save lives and reduce injuries in the event of a collision. Teach your children always to wear their seatbelts, regardless of the circumstances.
As a Student Driver, You Should Know How to Inspect a Vehicle
DMV.org explains the importance of inspecting a car and its surroundings before getting behind the wheel. Make sure there are no children or obstacles around the car, and ensure that all tires are at the correct pressure. It is also important to adjust all mirrors and seats accordingly. This is particularly crucial if you are sharing the car with any other drivers because the mirror settings must change for each individual.
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As a Student Driver You Should Know the Rules of the Road
It is important that young drivers know the rules of the road from the start. AAA provides a useful guide in this regard. Teach your child the key elements, such as how to behave at traffic lights and intersections, the importance of signaling and how to adhere to speed limits. Instill a sense of responsibility in your child, particularly when it comes to alcohol use and driving.
As a Student Driver You Must be Alert
Teach your child to remain alert at all times while behind the wheel. They must learn to pay attention to other drivers on the road, as well as to pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. A driver who is aware of his or her surroundings is more likely to anticipate and avoid potential accidents.
As a Student Driver You Must be Prepared
According to DMV.org, it is important to prepare for roadway emergencies. This is particularly true when your child starts driving on his or her own. Ensure that your child always has a charged cellphone on hand. Make sure the car has enough gas and that your teen knows the directions to the destination before departing.
Driver safely starts from day one, but at Morris Bart, we understand that nobody can control the actions of negligent motorists. To speak with a Lafayette personal injury attorney about an accident claim, call us today at 1-1-800-537-8185.
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