The rules of the road exist for a reason, but sadly, some motorists do not have the same respect for the road as you. Even if it is at no fault of yours, an encounter with these individuals can disrupt your life in a second. When this happens, you may be left with debilitating injuries, property damage, mounting medical expenses, emotional distress, and time spent away from loved ones as you recover. At the Morris Bart law firm, we believe that any motorist who gets behind the wheel with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08 percent or more must be held accountable for their actions and the ensuing damages. So, if a drunk driver injured you, give us a call today at (504) 613-4771
Common Drunk Driving Accidents
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 30 people lose their lives in a drunk driving accident each day. These deaths and injuries are a result of:
- Reckless driving: An impaired driver cannot make good and timely decisions while behind the wheel. They may exhibit reckless behaviors that include tailgating, speeding, changing lanes without caution, and disregarding road regulations and right-of-way laws.
- Head-on collisions: As one of the top forms of drunk driving accidents, head-on collisions do not just claim lives and result in severe injuries. It also leads to property damage since the vehicles involved are mostly left significantly or completely damaged.
- Rear-end collisions: In addition to an impaired driver operating a vehicle recklessly, they also have a delayed reaction due to being intoxicated. So, while an unimpaired driver can stop suddenly due to the traffic signal or a hazard on the road, an impaired driver is more likely to collide into the vehicle in front of them.
- Pedestrian accidents: When a drunk driver fails to navigate the road properly, bicyclists and those on foot can suffer significant injuries or even lose their lives. It is not unusual for pedestrian accidents to lead to amputations, spinal cord injuries, and wrongful death.
- Hit-and-run accidents: In every state in the United States, it is a criminal offense to practice impaired driving. So, when an impaired driver hits a pedestrian or another vehicle, they are likely to flee the scene due to fear of facing jail time and hefty fines.
- T-bone accidents: Drunk drivers and intersections do not mix well because of their inability to make cautious and timely decisions. So, when they blow through a red light at an intersection, they are likely to cause a T-bone accident. Sometimes the impact is powerful enough to claim lives and cause devastating injuries.
Common Drunk Driving Accident Injuries
The reckless behavior of an impaired driver can lead to wrongful death and severe injuries. In most cases, it is unusual for someone to walk away unscathed following a collision with a vehicle. The difference in weight alone may result in the following injuries.
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
- Fractured bones
- Slipped or herniated vertebral discs
- Spinal cord injuries
- Head injuries or concussions
- Facial injuries or disfigurement
- Internal bleeding or internal organ damages
- Paralysis
- Burn injuries
- Lacerations
For a free legal consultation with a Drunk Driving Accident lawyer serving Mandeville, call 800-537-8185
Let Morris Bart, LLC Help You Seek Justice
Following a drunk driving accident, you should hire a Mandeville drunk driving accident lawyer from the Morris Bart law firm to represent you and protect your legal rights. You can do this by calling (504) 613-4771 to discuss your case with a member of our team. Once hired, we will file a personal injury lawsuit against the liable parties. We will also take a series of immediate actions, including:
- Investigating the accident and documenting all the essential information
- Determining if the impaired driver was operating a personal or commercial vehicle
- Determining liability
- Filing a civil court motion to secure damages
Compensation for Injuries in a Drunk Driving Accident
Our legal team, which includes Mandeville drunk driving accident attorneys and other staff, will negotiate with the liable party’s insurance company and ensure that you recover damages. Depending on the details of your case, we may be able to collect monetary compensation for the following:
- Ongoing and future medical bills
- Physical therapy or other rehabilitation expenses
- Present and future lost wages
- Permanent injuries or disfigurement
- Property damages and repairs
- Cost of medication and other assistive devices
- Pain and suffering
- Other out-of-pocket expenses
- Disruption of life and time spent away from family
Drinking and Driving Charges
Since it is a criminal offense to physically operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, the liable motorist will be arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) as a felony or misdemeanor under Louisiana Statutes § RS 14:98. Factors affecting their penalties and fines include:
- The offender’s conduct during arrest
- If the drunk driving resulted in wrongful death or other personal injuries
- The offender’s blood alcohol concentration results
- Whether it is a previous or subsequent offense
- If there were minors or other passengers in the offender’s vehicle
- If the offender broke other state laws while intoxicated behind the wheel
Let us Help Defend Your Rights
We believe that it is unfair for you to shoulder the burden of someone else’s negligent actions. We recommend that you call us at (504) 613-4771 for a free case evaluation after seeking medical attention for your injuries. But you need to move quickly due to the time constraints on personal injury lawsuits in Louisiana under Louisiana Statutes § CC 3492. We understand that you are going through a tough time. We hope you can take comfort in knowing that we can defend your rights and help recover the damages legally owed to you.
Put yourself in capable hands and hire the Morris Bart law firm. We have protected the rights of countless drunk driving accident victims and helped them live meaningful lives following the tragedy.
Questions?Call 800-537-8185
to find a Morris Bart office near you.