If you or a family member suffered a spinal cord injury in Rapides Parish, the Morris Bart law firm may be able to help. You may be able to hold the at-fault party or parties accountable, recovering compensation for your expenses and losses.
An Alexandria, LA, spinal cord injury lawyer from our team will speak with you for free about your rights and options following a negligence accident with injuries. We are here for you and may be able to fight for justice on your behalf.
The Expenses and Losses Related to a Rapides Parish Spinal Cord Injury
As with other types of personal injuries, victims of a spinal cord injury accident can recover their documented expenses and losses through an insurance claim or lawsuit. Because of the required treatment and recovery, as well as the lasting disabilities, spinal cord injury cases may support a large payout.
Treatment and Rehabilitation
From the moment paramedics arrive on the scene of a possible spinal cord injury, the victim receives intensive support and care. Their treatment begins immediately with immobilization. First responders generally put the person in a special collar and on a backboard whenever a neck or back injury may be possible. They are rushed to the nearest trauma center.
At the hospital, doctors will assess and diagnose the injury. Surgery to realign and stabilize the spine or address other concerns is common. They will likely spend time in the intensive care unit or on a trauma floor. Treatment could include:
- Breathing assistance for those with chest involvement
- Treatment for any respiratory complications
- Pain medication and drugs to reduce swelling
- Emptying the patient’s bladder and bowels
Rehabilitation and therapy will begin almost immediately. The care team will assess the patient’s abilities and create a plan to help them reach maximum medical improvement (MMI). This will likely include:
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Specific skill-building activities, training
- Psychological counseling
- Help with building independence
- Work to improve their quality of life
Related recoverable damages could include:
- Current medical bills
- Inpatient rehabilitation and therapy costs
- In-home care costs
- Home renovations to allow for mobility
- Time missed at work due to treatment and recovery
- Pain and suffering damages
Long-Term Effects of a Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury outcomes can vary widely. Whether it is complete or incomplete, the type of injury and where it occurred along the spine all play a significant role. Some people live with only minor effects, while others require round-the-clock support for the rest of their lives. Most fall somewhere in between.
Recoverable damages because of these effects may include:
- Future medical treatment
- Ongoing care and support costs
- Medical equipment and devices
- Reduced earning ability
- Diminished quality of life
- Mental anguish
Spinal Cord Injuries and Wrongful Death
If your loved one would have had a viable personal injury case but died from their injuries or complications before they began the process, La. Civ. Code Art. 2315.2 likely allows their immediate family the option of filing a wrongful death action.
This type of claim seeks compensation for the family’s financial costs and losses and intangible damages that surviving family members suffered. Our lawyers review these cases for free.
For a free legal consultation with a Spinal Cord Injury lawyer serving Alexandria, call (318) 416-0089
Morris Bart Represents Spinal Cord Injury Victims in Alexandria, LA
The Morris Bart law office has more than 40 years of experience fighting for the compensation our clients need and deserve after a serious injury. We protect victims’ rights and seek settlement and court awards on their behalf. We handle cases based on contingency. Our case results include 6,500+ claims and lawsuits won in 2019.
The Morris Bart law office in Alexandria is located at:
1439 Centre Court #301
Alexandria, LA 71301
Our team provides free consultations for victims of spinal cord injuries and their families. We can often identify an at-fault party and hold them responsible for our client’s injuries, costs, and losses. This prevents the injury victim and their family from paying for their treatment and care on their own.
Building a Personal Injury Case Based on a Spinal Cord Injury Accident
According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), there are two primary causes of most spinal cord injuries in the United States. These include:
- Traffic accidents in those under age 65
- Falls for those over age 65
These and many other causes of spinal cord injuries occur because of negligence. Negligence is the crucial factor in a personal injury case. If you can show another party’s negligence caused your injuries, you can generally hold them legally responsible for your damages.
Our attorneys know the essential steps of investigating an incident, gathering evidence, and proving negligence. We also know how to prepare and file insurance claims and lawsuits in these cases. We handle all aspects of our clients’ cases so that they can focus on healing and improving their quality of life.
Do I Have to Sue the At-Fault Party to Recover Compensation?
Most cases do not require our attorneys to file a lawsuit, although there are some situations when this may be necessary. This includes:
- Disputed fault: When the insurer or liable party believes the victim caused or contributed to their injuries, or they claim they are otherwise not responsible for the victim’s injuries
- Low-ball settlement offers: When the insurer refuses to agree to a payout that is fair and just based on the client’s documented costs and losses
- Deadline approaching: Louisiana has a short statute of limitations in personal injury cases. Civ. Code Art. 3493.1 generally only gives us two years to sue, and sometimes less. We may need to sue if this deadline is close.
Even if we sue the at-fault party, we usually settle cases outside the courtroom. A personal injury case occasionally needs to go to trial to establish what happened and how much the victim should receive.
Click to contact our Alexandria Personal Injury Attorneys today
Speak with Our Team About Your Alexandria, LA, Injury Case Today for Free
You can reach the Morris Bart law firm for a free consultation today. We want to discuss your injury, prognosis, and legal rights with you. Call (318) 416-0089 to get started.
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